The resorption of squats and shantytowns : return on the 1st session of the Working Group #2 Housing

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Publié le 11/06/21 à 08:49 dans Our network

Within the framework of the thematic working group #2 on housing and accommodation of exiled persons, the first session dedicated to the reduction of precarious situations of exiled persons living in squats and shanty towns took place on Thursday, June 3, 2021.

In order to do this, ANVITA's coordination team has joined forces with three partner organizations: the Fondation Abbé Pierre (FAP), National Human Rights Collective Romeurope (CNDH Romeurope) et Action pour l’insertion par le logement (action for integration through housing, ALPIL).

Following our request, about thirty elected officials and technicians from the following communities were able to participate in the exchanges: Avignon (individual elected official former), Alfortville, Bordeaux, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Clermont-Ferrand, Fontenay-sous-Bois, Grenoble, Grenoble Alpes Métropole, Louvigny, Lyon, Lyon Métropole, Marseille, Malakoff, Montpellier, Nantes, Ouistreham (ex-individual elected official), Poitiers, Tours, Villeurbanne.

This first session was structured around the following agenda:

  • Theoretical introduction on squats & slums
  • Feedback from two local authorties:
    • Montpellier : squat Luttopia
    • Grand Lyon : squat Maurice Sèvre
  • Workshops: access to common law system
  • Restitution of the exchanges and general conclusion.

idees recues


If you are interested in this topic, join the CNDH Romeurope's Club of Committed Communities, which will meet for the first time on Friday 23 July 2021 (registration here).

ANVITA will see you on Thursday, October 7, 2021 for Session 2 of this workgroup, which will focus on infill housing!


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