Devices for citizen participation: common law or specific to exiles? Session 2 of WG#1 Participation

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Publié le 13/07/21 à 17:07 dans Our network

On Wednesday, June 30, the second session of Working Group #1 on the participation of exiled persons was held, devoted to the participatory mechanisms of common law and those specific to the exiled public.

The coordination of ANVITA is accompanied by three partner organizations to frame these spaces of exchange and common reflection: the Union des Exilé.es (Union of exiled students, UEE), the Immigration and Asylum Observatory of the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) and Open Democracy (DO). 

The initiative of this working group was born from the will of different communities to work on the advisory councils of foreign residents. After having established, during the first session, an inventory of participatory practices and issues in each territory (article ici), the aim was to put different types of systems into perspective through feedback from four cities.

Following our request, about thirty elected officials and technicians from the following communities were able to participate in the exchanges: Chenôve (individual elected official), Bordeaux, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Clermont-Ferrand, Die, Grenoble, Grand Lyon Métropole, Lyon, Lyon 7ème (individual elected official), La Roche sur Foron, Nantes, Paris, Tours, Val-de-Marne and Villeurbanne. 

This second session was structured around the following agenda:

  • Introduction to public identification practices
  • Feedback from 4 communities

* Advisory councils of foreign residents

* Participatory Budget & Citizen Jury

  • Reflection workshops: what access to participatory mechanisms?
  • Restitution & conclusion

Join us for the 3rd session of this working group, which will focus on outreach methods, on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, from 10am - 12pm.


For more informations : please contact / 


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