Press release - The reception of Afghan people fleeing their country is possible

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Publié le 19/08/21 à 14:33 dans Our advocacy
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« The reception of Afghans fleeing their country is possible »

On August 15, 2021, the Afghan capital, Kabul, passed into the hands of the Taliban after twenty years of American presence and intervention by the international community. The worst is to be feared for the Afghan people.

As terrible images and messages reach us, as the airport is taken over by a crowd desperate to flee, as terror and chaos descend on Afghanistan, the President of the Republic Mr. Emmanuel Macron assigns to "anticipate and protect ourselves against significant irregular migration flows". In his eyes, these tens of thousands of terrorized civilians are a migratory flow from which "we" should protect ourselves. It is only with regard to those who have helped France that we should show humanity. Mr. President of the Republic, one can lack heart, one cannot fail in one's duty nor can one sit on international conventions.

To this cynicism, we, the local authorities and elected representatives of the National Association of Welcoming Cities and Territories (ANVITA) appeal, on the contrary, to France's values of solidarity and fraternity.

Our network calls on the French government to truly rise to the seriousness of the situation.

Today, we ask the government to honor its international commitments by implementing a policy of reception for all Afghan refugees. We firmly oppose any policy or speech that questions the obligation to unconditionally welcome people arriving on our soil.

In accordance with our values, ANVITA calls for the mobilization of all elected officials of French cities and territories to welcome children, women and men fleeing Afghanistan in a concerted manner. We, elected officials and communities of the network, commit ourselves to build together a dignified reception for people who have come to seek refuge in our territories. This reception will be possible if it is done in a concerted manner between the State, local authorities and civil society actors.

Let us face this humanitarian emergency together. It is our duty to show that yes, France has the capacity to welcome with dignity.

Jeanne Barseghian, co-président
signature seule Maire2

Damien Carême, co-président 
          Signature Damien3

Find the press release in PDF version here.

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