Seminar at the National Assembly on "Migration: from a commission of enquiry to policies respecting fundamental rights"

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Publié le 02/12/21 à 00:00 dans Our projects and partnerships

On December 2, 2021, a seminar on "Migration: From a Commission of Inquiry to Policies Respecting Fundamental Rights"  was held at the National Assembly.
The event was organized by CAFI (Coordination of Interacting Actions at Internal Borders), an alliance thatincludes Amnesty International France, La Cimade, Médecins du Monde, Médecins sans Frontières and Secours Catholique-Caritas France. 
It echoes the parliamentary enquiry report on migration, led by MPs Sonia Krimi and Sébastien Nadot.
Alongside other actors, the ANVITA coordination and several of its members were present: the cities of Bordeaux, Rouen, Clermont-Ferrand and the individual elected representatives Guillaume Gontard (Isère) , Myriam Laïdouni-Denis (AURA) and Olivier Caremelle (Lomme).
The day was divided into different parts :
  • Opening of the day with a call from the five organizations ;
  • Exchanges and debates around the recommendations of the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on Migration ;
  • Speech by Claire Hédon, Defender of rights ;
  • The Franco-Italian border ;
  • The Franco-British border ;
  • For effective access to the right to asylum ;
  • Health of migrants: for effective and immediate access ;
  • Respect for the rights guaranteed by the International Convention on the Rights of the Child ;
  • For access for all to the right to apply for a residence permit at the prefecture and pragmatic and realistic regularization criteria ;
  • Conclusion and perspectives.

This day of exchanges and debates is a successful step in the collective work for the respect of the fundamental rights of people in migration. The seminar also highlighted the possible dialogue between civil society and national representation; in the presence of local  and regional authorities.
Find here the common political appeal of  CAFI addressed to the political leaders, formulated as a conclusion of the 2 December.
The five associations gathered in the CAFI intend to continue the fight in this sense in the coming months, in particular with the MPs elected in June 2022.

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