ODDyssey project: launch of the first territorial diagnosis!

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Publié le 11/02/22 à 11:16 dans Our projects and partnerships

As part of the "ODDysée - Migration moves the world" project ( ODDysée - Les Migrations font bouger le monde !), ANVITA officially launched its territorial diagnosis for the city of Clermont-Ferrand (63) on 3 and 4 February 2022.

The theme of this diagnosis is the schooling of exiled children and the inclusion of their families in this schooling.

In two days, many actors who accompany the children and their families were met: teachers, school directors, people in charge of the city's leisure facilities, associations... Very rich exchanges and people who were very interested in the project!

A working meeting between the ANVITA coordination and the people in charge of the City of Clermont-Ferrand was also held.

Terrain CMF 03022022

For more information: contact [a]anvita.fr

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