ANVITA participates in the "Oddyssée -Les Migrations font bouger le monde!" project

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Publié le 01/10/21 à 11:18 dans Our projects and partnerships

 ANVITA is delighted to participate in the " ODDyssée – Les Migrations font bouger le monde ! » " project alongside the Grdr association - specialised in the "Migration-Citizenship-Development" triptych, the Ligue de l'Enseignement - a popular education movement, the Convergences Migration Institute (ICM), which brings together 400 researchers specialised in migration, and Via le monde - a resource centre in the department of Seine Saint Denis

The overall objective of the project is :

  • to encourage citizens to open up to the world and to the Other - in particular educational actors, young people and local authorities;

  • to develop their appropriation of global issues (the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015) by highlighting the positive contributions of migration "here" and "there".

Among the objectives of raising awareness of young people to migration issues and training of educational and social actors, ANVITA specifically aims to promote a framework for reflection and action for local elected officials and local government officials on migration issues.


Within the framework of this project, ANVITA will set up in 4 pilot territories :

  • Territorial diagnoses on the theme of "Education and Migration";

  • A workshop, a multi-stakeholder consultation space to develop innovative intervention frameworks integrating local and international solidarity 

  • A training course on migration awareness for local authority staff and elected representatives.



This research-action process will therefore follow these three steps, "inform / exchange / act collectively".



Projet ODDyssée : les migrations font bouger le monde !

                                                                                                                                                                                      For more information: contact[a]


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