Round "What role(s) for city networks in local hospitality policies? Views of elected representatives".

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Publié le 18/11/21 à 00:00 dans Our projects and partnerships

On 18 November, several ANVITA members took part in the round table "What role(s) for city networks in local hospitality policies? Views of elected representatives" at Sciences Po Lyon.


Through the presentation of the book "Villes, réseaux de villes et gouvernance des migrations" (Ed. PUCA), to be published, the networks of cities related to migration were questioned by four participants:


  • Yves Pascouau, elected representative of the city of Nantes;
  • Agathe Fort,  elected representative of the city of Villeurbanne;
  • Renaud Payre, elected representative of Greater Lyon;
  • Sylvie Tomic,  elected official in Lyon.

What role(s) for national and international city networks for these authorities? What are the effects of these national and international participations? How is the governance of migration at the local level being redrawn?

Thanks to the organisers, Anouk Flamant from INSHEA (Institut national supérieur de formation et de recherche pour l'éducation des jeunes handicapés et les enseignements adaptés), Aude-Claire Fourot from Simon Fraser University and Aisling Healy from Université Jean Monnet.


For more information please write to: contact[a]

  • Link to the programme here.



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