ANVITA at the Festival des pluies de juillet- 2021

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Publié le 17/07/21 à 10:00 dans Our projects and partnerships

On 9, 10 and 11, 2021, ANVITA was pleased to be among the participants of the Festival des Pluies de Juillet, in Villedieu-Les-Poêles (50) in Normandy.
Committed to an ecological and social transition, the Festival des Pluies de Juillet combines concerts, conferences, film-debates and concert walks.
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On this occasion, ANVITA led a workshop on acculturation around migration. The participants were able to discuss the terms surrounding the migration phenomenon ("exile", "refugee"...) and the many preconceived ideas associated with it.
Finally, ANVITA animated the round table "Migration: how to act for a more dignified reception in France". To lead this discussion, the ANVITA coordination was accompanied by :
  • Mr Patrick Ledoux, Mayor of Louvigny, ANVITA member town;
  • Mrs Anne-Marie Fixot, representative of the Local Assembly of EGM (Etats Généraux des Migrations) ;
  • Mrs Camille Gourdeau, doctor in socio-anthropology ; 
  • Mr Alexandre Chatel, journalist at the editorial office of Guiti News ; 
  • Mr Hossam Alghabra, sworn translator in Caen.

ANVITA thanks them for their presence!

To see the teaser of the 2021 edition, it is here
To see the program of the 2021 Festival edition, it is here.
Their web site,  here.

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